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Erasmus Plus Programs

We are proud to offer our faculty, students and staff an opportunity to engage in global learning via Erasmus Plus Program offered in collaboration with our partner, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland during academic year 2017-2018.

Erasmus+ aims at boosting skills and employability, and modernizing education, training and youth work.

Salem State University faculty, students, and staff will have an opportunity to engage with their peers at KUL for a semester or short term activity.

For more information visit:

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) - Lublin, Poland

KUL was originally founded in 1918, making it one of the oldest universities in Poland. There are now 14,000 students studying in a wide variety of programs. The city of Lublin is home to four universities and several colleges, so there is a vibrant student population. 
To learn more about KUL:
To learn more about Poland:

Information for students
Eligibility: Students must be majoring in either English, Philosophy, French, Italian, Spanish, or Psychology and be in good academic standing.
Cost: Students will pay their Salem State tuition and fees for 15 credits. Program participants will received 750 Euros per month to cover the cost of housing, meals, and personal expenses, plus 820 Euros towards travel to and from Poland.

Application: Students must submit the entire Salem State study abroad application online by October 31st at 5:00pm. The application can be found here.

Salem State application includes:
- Personal statement
- Official transcript
- One letter of recommendation from SSU faculty member
- Copy of passport, or receipt showing that you have applied for a passport

All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and 2 finalists will be selected. The final admissions decision will be made by KUL. Students will be notified of the decision between November 15th - 30th. 

Students who demonstrate financial need will be given priority in the selection process.
For more information, visit the KUL website or email

Information for Faculty

  •  Broaden the understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, training or youth across countries;
  •  Impact the internationalization of our curricula, education, and our service activities at the departmental, college and campus  levels
  •  Increase global competencies of students, faculty and staff
  • Increase capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernization and international opening within their educational organizations;
  • Greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training, and the labor market;
  •  Greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity
  •  Increase ability to address the needs of disadvantaged;
  • Increase opportunities for professional and career development;
  • Improve foreign language competences.
  • will support  the development of new teaching material
  • will lead to the strengthening of the link between home and host institution 
  • Completed Proposal Form endorsed by the Department Chair and Dean
  •  CV (2 pages only)
  • Project Narrative (maximum 500 words) 

Salem State University faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure track) in English, Philosophy, French, Italian, Spanish, and Psychology interested in participating in the Erasmus Plus Program with the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland) ( during January – June 2017 are encouraged to submit an application for the Erasmus Plus Teaching Program.

 Applications TBD

 Expected outcomes of the program:

The program activities are expected to produce the following outcomes:

 Eligible Activities Abroad:

The host and home institution shall ensure that the visiting faculty’s contributions will be an integral part of a current curriculum at the host institution. Priority will be given to activities which

 Duration of the Program:

The duration of the proposed program should be planned for seven (7) days: five business days stay and two additional business days for international travel to be executed between January and June 2017. Faculty member submitting a proposal is required to conduct at least 8 hours of teaching activity during the five business days at host institution.


Selected applicants are eligible to receive funds to partially support their visit, which may not cover the actual expenses incurred. Funds eligible from Erasmus Plus Teaching program are made up from two components:

 Individual Support (980 EUR)Travel Support (820 EUR)


The funds will be paid out to the traveling faculty member upon arrival in Lublin, Poland in cash in EUR. The Provost’s office will supplement the award with an additional reimbursement of travel-related costs of up to $300 for each person who completes the program, subject to all university rules and regulations pertaining to employee travel. Where it is possible, the applicant’s department can also supplement the award from its own budget.


Submission of Applications:

Application shall include:

All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and ranked.  The chair of the selection committee will give the recommendations to the provost and president who will make the final selections.

The list will be shared with the host institution in Poland, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The host institution will make the final approval of proposed teaching activity.  

Applicants will be notified about the application decision within four weeks after the application deadline by the chair of the selection committee.  

Contact the CIE for more information.

 Pre-requisites of participation:

The home and host institution must have agreed in advance of the program of the activities to be delivered by the visiting faculty members in a Mobility Agreement – prior to the start of the mobility period. These agreements define the target teaching outcomes for the teaching period abroad, specify the formal recognition provisions and list the rights and obligations of each party. Faculty member must sign the agreement in order to be eligible to participate in the exchange.

Salem State University Study Abroad Office