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Study Abroad Scholarships

Please note that scholarship deadlines are often earlier than program deadlines.

Student Passport Grant
Salem State University's Student Passport Fund is helping to assist students who are studying/traveling in the Summer '18, Fall '18, and Spring '19 semesters. Students should not wait to receive the grant to apply for a passport. Recipients will be reimbursed by the Center for International Education after the application deadlines have passed and the decisions have been made.

Application Deadlines
  • Summer programs, apply by April 1
  • Fall programs, apply by June 1
  • Spring programs, apply by October 1

  • Full-time student status at Salem State
  • Accepted to a program that is approved by Salem State
  • In good academic standing with a 3.0 minimum GPA
  • Does not have a pending or past disciplinary or legal record
  • Has never held a US passport
  • Currently receiving financial aid
Please note that you will have to enter your Salem State credentials in order to access the Google Form

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
The program aims to encourage students to choose nontraditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe and Australia and aims to support students who have been traditionally underrepresented in study abroad. This includes but is not limited to, students with high financial need, community college students, students in underrepresented fields such as the sciences and engineering, students with diverse ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and students of nontraditional age. The Gilman Scholarship provides awards of up to $5,000 for U.S. citizen undergraduate students at two- and four-year institutions to pursue country-based undergraduate opportunities abroad of up to one academic year. To be eligible students must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application and cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. Department of State Travel Warning. 

This program funds a year of advanced study of an Asian language in Asia for American citizens and permanent residents of the United States who have a degree and who plan to use an Asian language in their careers. 

Provides opportunities for American undergraduate and graduate students to become more proficient in the cultures and languages of world regions critical to U.S. interests, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Maximum awards are $20,000 for Boren scholarships and $30,000 for Boren fellowships. In exchange for funding, recipients commit to working in the federal government for a minimum of one year. 

Sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Japanese for study in Japan. 

Sixteen scholarships are awarded to North American students who study abroad at a United Kingdom University that is a member of BUTEX.

Scholarship program that facilitates cultural exchange for American and German young adults in the business, vocational, technical, and agricultural fields. 75 Americans and 100 Germans are selected annually. 12-month program includes support for intensive language instruction, university classes, and a 5-month career-related internship. Funds round-trip airfare, language study and university classes, and living stipend. 

The CLS Program is a U.S. government interagency effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical need foreign languages. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply.

Provides grants to students who are actively working for peace and justice.

For students who are traditionally underrepresented in study abroad and are participating in Diversity Abroad member programs. 

Awards scholarships to help enable students to obtain an international experience. Students who are from underrepresented populations in international education are a priority. 

Provides scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia. Created to assist U.S. students with demonstrated financial need and limited prior experience in East and Southeast Asia.

For undergraduate students to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad by reducing financial restrictions through grants and scholarships 

For graduate or undergraduate study for summer session, full semester, or full year program. Applicants must be residents of Massachusetts. 

Offers 9 different types of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for study and research in Germany. There are awards for undergraduate students to post-doctoral scholars in every field imaginable. Ranges from financial support for 3-week courses to full-year financial support for an academic year abroad. 

Open to current students who will be enrolled in a study abroad program during the coming academic year. Recipients must be successfully accepted into a study abroad program. 

IIE Grants-in-Aid Competition
$500 grants are available to students wishing to study overseas. Applications are due in April. Contact IIE at (713) 621-6300 extension 31 or 16 for applications or further information.

This program offers scholarships for international students who have interest in studying in Japan. There are many scholarships provided by various organizations that collaborate with JASSO.

The Learn, Intern, and Volunteer in Latin America fund offers scholarships to any student in need of financial assistance and planning to study or intern abroad in Latin America (including Argentina and Cuba).

This program offers scholarships to students to have the opportunity to live and study in Japan. There are five types of Monbukagakusho scholarships offering awards to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as teachers.

Co-sponsors of the scholarships are the US-Japan Bridging Foundation and the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, which will coordinate the collection of applications and the initial selection process. The final selection of scholarship recipients will be made by Morgan Stanley management in Tokyo. Eligible students include juniors and seniors at US universities with an interest in policy, economics, or international finance who have been accepted for study in Japan.

The NECSP is a competitive scholarship award managed by the New England Board of Higher Education in collaboration with the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) and is available to students currently enrolled in public or private New England colleges and universities who plan on studying in China for up to one academic year. Students must apply and be accepted to one of 49 Beijing area institutions, including UIBE and Tsinghua University.

Scholarships for study at accredited and acceptable educational institutions in Italy. Applicants should be residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and have exhibited ability and serious interest in, or commitment to, the study of the Italian language along with the civilization, culture and history of Italy. It is awarded once a year. The deadline is about the middle of May. 

Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduate students as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying aborad. 50 grants are available at $1,000 each. Open to any undergraduate student. You do not have to be a member to apply.

The Ambassadorial Scholarships program of The Rotary Foundation is the world's largest privately funded international scholarship program. More than 500 scholarships are awarded annually. 

Every year, grants are provided to students who have a physical or sensory disability and will be studying at a university in the UK. Grants range from £250 to £2,500 and help cover additional costs, like computers, mobility equipment or human help that push up the already high costs of being a student.

Provides funding to participants as they are prepared academically and professionally to enter the United States Department of State Foreign Service. Women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, and students with financial need. 

Awarded to a future teacher of French to help pay for a semester or a year studying French abroad in an accredited program in any Francophone country. Student must be currently enrolled in an established teacher education program in French and must be sponsored by a member of the American Association of Teachers of French. Awards are based on financial need and can be used to cover tuition, fees, travel, or housing costs.

For more scholarship opportunities, please visit the following websites for an extensive selection of options:

Salem State University Study Abroad Office