Salem State University
Sullivan Building, Room 114
Salem, MA 01970
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Exchange and Direct Enroll Programs

Exchange Programs

An Exchange Program is where a Salem State student will study at another university for a summer, semester, or year, and a student from that university will come to study at Salem State!
Students must go through a Salem State application process, which includes an interview, and they must be nominated to study at the host university.

Exchange Programs are often an independent, but affordable experience.

Mannheim, Germany
  • Cost: Salem State Tuition
  • Scholarship: Apply for the Baden-Wurttemberg Scholarship

Erasmus Plus Program

Lublin, Poland
  • Cost: Salem State tuition, earning 15 credits
  • Scholarship: 750 euros/month for living expenses (housing, meals, etc.), 820 euros toward transportation to/from Poland
*Exchange & Erasmus Plus Programs are on a space-available basis.

Direct Enroll Programs

For a Direct Enroll, Salem State students will apply directly to a university in a different country, with the support of the Salem State Study Abroad Office.

Students will pay the Salem State Study Abroad Fee to Study Abroad
Tuition, housing, and all other costs will be paid to the host university. In many cases, this option is one of the more affordable options.

Oviedo, Spain
  • Cost: ~$5,700
  • Offered: Summer, Fall, Spring

Salem State University Study Abroad Office